The terms used at an IEP or 504 Plan meeting can be confusing. This link will bring you to a site that has great explanations for prominent terms used in special education meetings. Please remember, during any meeting with the school, you can ask for clarification. If you don’t understand something or something does not sound right, ask them to clarify. Ask them to explain it better if it still makes little sense to you.
Category: Disability
Tips for getting your wheelchair winter ready. Winter is fun and beautiful until you have to maneuver a wheelchair through the snow! Here are some links to sites that can help you make sure your wheelchair is winter ready. I have also provided some links to sites where you can buy adaptive winter coats. I have no official affiliation with any of these sites, but we use Adaptations By Adrian, so I can vouch for
And why you may not need to. Nobody wants to think about estate planning. It’s depressing and complicated. Most families have enough stress worrying about their child’s health, education, and childcare issues that they don’t even consider estate planning. In April 2022, CNBC reported that only 33% of Americans have an established plan for their estate. So, it shouldn’t be a shock that families that have children with disabilities have not planned for their child’s
Medicaid waivers allow children with disabilities to qualify for services without considering their family income. This is a game changer for families who know about it.
Best Tips for Traveling With Special Needs Kids by Amaka Chukwuma Check out this article Molly was mentioned in from Wealth of Geeks on the importance of traveling with disabled kids.
Yes, I am one of those people. I pack my luggage at least two weeks before a trip. I have lists for my list of what to bring. I create itineraries, book excursions, and make dining reservations. I check weather reports, airline delays, and road construction issues. It is just who I am. I know you’re thinking that I am stressed during this, but, for me, it is part of planning a vacation and I