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Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides income to people 65 and older, blind, disabled, or who have little or no income. If you are an adult with disabilities or have a child with disabilities who will turn 18 soon, understanding how to make sure they qualify for SSI is important. In most states, once you qualify for SSI, you also qualify for Medicaid. They can use Medicaid as a supplement to

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 If you have ever ordered DME, you know it is a time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process. There are ways to make it less frustrating. Durable Medical Equipment can range from blood sugar meters to hospital beds to wheelchairs and a lot in between. By definition, DME must be durable (obviously), used for a medical reason, used in your home, and expected to last multiple years. Dealing with insurance companies isn’t always easy. Sometimes it feels

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Michigan State Parks make sites more accessible. Traveling with a wheelchair can be limiting. The good news is many places are learning they need to do better at accommodating people with disabilities. Kudos to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for adding track chairs to their state parks so people with disabilities can access all areas. There are 11 state parks in Michigan that have track chairs that people with disabilities can borrow. People should

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The terms used at an IEP or 504 Plan meeting can be confusing. This link will bring you to a site that has great explanations for prominent terms used in special education meetings. Please remember, during any meeting with the school, you can ask for clarification. If you don’t understand something or something does not sound right, ask them to clarify. Ask them to explain it better if it still makes little sense to you.

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