
Are you struggling to find resources and services for your child with a disability? Do you live in Wayne or Oakland County, MI? This ebook is for you. Award-winning author and speaker, Molly David, has created a guide with links to help you find what your child needs. It includes information on Medicaid Waivers, Children’s Special Health Care, the Special Needs Fund, and more.

This book provides easy-to-understand information for parents or people who help the disabled population. It provides firsthand experience with applying for SSI benefits, ABLE Accounts, and Special Needs Trusts. Planning for protecting your child’s financial future starts today.

Grace is working hard to win the Student of the Month award, but her wheelchair keeps disrupting her day and getting her in trouble. Grace tries to regain control, but her wheelchair won’t behave unless it gets what it wants. Will Grace figure out why her wheelchair is acting up and get it to behave before she loses out on being Student of the Month?

Join Grace and her wheelchair that won’t be ignored for a heartwarming and humorous story that teaches children ages 4-8 about diversity, inclusion, and teamwork.